
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We ARE Purple!

I told you we were purple.

See the picture below and then the lovely explanation copied with it.

Copied from C. Howard on Facebook:

"America really looks like this - I was looking at the amazing 2012 election maps created by Mark Newman (Department of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan,, and although there is a very interesting blended voting map (Most of the country is some shade of purple, a varied blend of Democrat blue and Republican red) what I really wanted was this blended map with a population density overlay. Because what really stands out is how red the nation seems to be when you do not take the voting population into account; when you do so many of those vast red mid-west blocks fade into pale pink and lavender (very low population).

So I created a new map using Mark’s blended voting map based on the actual numbers of votes for each party overlaid with population maps from Texas Tech University and other sources.

Here’s the result—what the American political voting distribution really looks like."

I know you want to secede Texas, but we are all on this together. You don't have to love thy neighbor but helping him/her out will probably make God very happy.

Plus seeing this gives me so much hope. We blend together. Now let us try to make sure all of our individual needs can be met while caring for each other.

'Tis good. :)

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