
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shut Down: Oh Good Grief

So how do I feel about the government shut down? Hmm... Well that's like asking me how do I feel about someone I love being taken hostage. Or how do I feel about mostly grown men throwing temper tantrums. Or how do I feel about most grown men being in a dick waving/measuring contest?

My answer to those questions is the same as this question: How much disgust do I have for the Tea Party branch of the GOP? Oh infinite is almost big enough.

I say shame. Shame on those who scream that the President won't meet with them AFTER they refuse to meet with him. Shame on them for saying he won't compromise when they are the ones NOT compromising. And shame on the Democrats for not ripping them to pieces for their arrogance.

Shame, shame, shame.

I think that those who wish to shut the government down should give up their federal benefits, i.e, salary, health care, etc. Also their districts should have all all federal funds pulled from them. The rest of us can enjoy civilization - that which is purchased with taxes. The rest of us can love our country and each other more than the almighty dollar and greed.

Now I would also like to share with you two fabulous thoughts on the shut down. 4 Quarters, 10 Dimes wrote An Open Letter to the Republican Party on the Eve of Political Disaster. It is so good, I am sharing it. Click on the link and enjoy the wisdom.

Plus how could this post not show the glory that is John Stewart telling the truth. 

Finally, fret not my friends. No, really. Humanity has survived much worse than this. We will survive the GOP. 

Oh will we ever.

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