
Friday, August 26, 2016

We Are The Lions Packs A Roaring Punch

Spoken word cinema ROCKS & delivers powerful message.

Let's require this as viewing for ourselves.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Quote "Rachel Maddow said WHAT?!"

So the DCCC once again has sent me a begging for money email. I have just started deleting them but OMG, the liberal darling, Rachel Maddow, is mentioned so I thought I would open the email.

Here is what I saw:

And then another image was given:

So now I just want to say that 1.) Rachel Maddow is NOT the great liberal she pretends to be. After all that hatred she slung towards Bernie Sanders - who has supported gay rights for decades - was totally unwarranted. Anything she has to say, I'm pretty much ignoring. She's a tool.

Then 2.) Barack I know you must be feeling some guilt about backstabbing and stealing the candidacy from Hillary 8 years ago, but this ain't gonna clear your karma.

Worried about money? Just think. If you had backed the people's choice, Bernie Sanders, you would be getting MONEY because we the people would be sending it to you! Oh and we would be rallying for Bernie! Bake sales for Bernie! Concerts for Bernie! Effing lemonade stands for Bernie!!! But you wanted to play your elitist games and this is what you got.

In short, thus as ye sow, ye shall reap.

Try to remember that DNC and DCCC: If we are in trouble IT IS YOUR FAULT!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Betrayal Is Costly

BEGGING you is the subject line of the DCCC email I got today. The DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - - works to getting Democrats in Congress. A noble goal. However, dear DCCC, talk to the DNC and mention betrayal.

See, when the DNC back-stabbed Bernie Sanders and his supporters, when the DNC ignored that Sanders won, then the DNC proved it could not be trusted. The DNC proved it was NOT the party of the people. The DNC is now the Corporate DNC and well...

Raise your own damn money. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Fracking Off The Table?

Hillary's clean energy plan is a lovely graphic - see below. So does this mean fracking is off the table? I sure hope so as it is not clean energy and will harm many Americans.

If something can cause polluted water, how can anyone support it?

Oh and if you think fracking isn't bad, they why is pro-fracking CEO against it near his mansion?


As a friend of mine likes to say "He got caught with his pants down."

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ask the Clinton Foundation


Ok, sometimes I'm not a good person. I try to watch my hater tendencies and snarkiness but sometimes, well, I slip.

And it makes me laugh.

I am referring to my responses to the DNC fundraising emails I have been getting. Look they have admitted to working AGAINST Bernie Sanders.* While an apology is nice, it is not enough and they did nothing to make amends with Sanders supporters. So when the DNC writes me and asks for money my response has been and shall always be:

Ask the Clinton Foundation.

They've got money. Apparently some of it even comes from foreign investors. Sure that's ok, but hey, DNC, you betrayed me so don't ask me for money, ask your golden girl.

Article Links in Order (Somewhat):

*Don't get me started. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Fear No Donald Trump

Hello All.

So what is Trump really? Ok, you can say he is a human being* who is running for President of the USA. He is also a business man with lots of failures and screwed over partners. Oh and he's friends with Hillary and Bill Clinton. No really. He is being called the destruction of the Republication party, he is an outsider, and OMG how did it happen that he got the nomination?!** And now throughout all of the DNC campaigning we hear that we need to save America from Trump.


I will offer up for your consideration that Trump is an hysteria piece to get us to vote for the Dems. Now I was voting for the Dems anyway but this fear mongering about Trump is a bit much.

See I can't be afraid of this man. Disgusted by, annoyed with, loathe, yes, but fear, no. We do after all have a government set up with checks and balances. If we get our act together we will vote in a very liberal Congress that will trump Trump at every turn. (Maybe even as joyfully as the Republicans block Obama.) Not to mention the glee with which the Supreme Court will block him.

No I don't want him to be president, but I'm not afraid. We've survived bad presidents before - looking at you W - and I'm just not too worried. I'm used to fighting for my rights and I'm ready to keep going. Besides Trump does NOT  support TPP and Hillary, well, the Corporate Democrats seem to love it. Looking at you Barack Obama. She says she doesn't like it now but I'm not convinced. Hopefully she will be swayed by all of us writing to her.

So I guess what I am trying to say here is stop your own fear. Just stop it. When you take fear out of the equation you will find lots of wonderful reasons for voting. I have been voting issues for a very long time and will continue to do so. Pity neither presidential candidate covers my love of our Bill of Rights. Bother.

Besides, I'm not voting to save the world from Trump; I'm voting to save it from Pence.

Article Links in Order (Somewhat):

*Yeah, you could argue that, but whatever.
**Wish I could say the same for Bernie. I guess it does help to be a billionaire.