
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Who Cares?

"As an Australian I am fascinated by those idiots protesting ObamaCare. Well I guess those people would dismiss my country as socialist, I think it's more like a caring humanity. I'm no spring chicken, paid taxes all my adult life and never been to hospital. Those taxes pay for our free health system, among other things.

So for years I was paying but rarely using. But recently I developed a serious condition. Without question I was admitted to hospital, subjected to a barrage of tests on expensive machines, given quality care for a week and tended by top doctors.

Out of pocket cost? About $7 for a prescription on discharge.

My taxes have been doing that for people now for over forty years. Not only have I never complained, I now have real reason to be thankful. Any modern economy rejecting universal healthcare is not only insane, it's anti humanity. The system focus must be about people and not greed for money. Australia has a healthy economy by any standards, despite its caring ways."

- Angus FB - From Americans Against The Republican Party on Facebook

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