
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Re-Post: Escape from Duggarville

Well my my. The more patriarchy tries to complain liberalism ruins everything the more it is proved, well wrong. Obviously. Found a very interesting article about Vyckie Garrison - a minir celebrity in the Quiverfull Movment. It's a good read.

Article also lead to some other good sites: 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Everything Old is Trying to Be Again

Our current prejudices - sexism, racism, etc. - often get reflected onto other times and people. Yet there is evidence that this is not the case. (Good grief our cultures on this planet in this time are so varied!) So I really enjoyed the article by Reclusive Leftist titled Oldest depiction of female form shows that modern archaeologists are pornsick misogynists.

Yes the title may make you laugh and the article may make you shake your head. It is very good reading. We must be careful how we look at our past as our judgement may be clouded by our own current thinking. We may not be seeing the truth.

To quote the author:

"This has been the central flaw of anthropology for as long there’s been anthropology. And even before: the English invaders of North America thought the Iroquois chiefs had concubines who accompanied them everywhere, because they had no other mental categories to account for well-dressed, important-looking women sitting in a council house. It’s the same fallacy that bedevils archaeologists who dig up male skeletons with fancy beads and conclude that the society was male dominant (because powerful people wear jewelry!), and at another site dig up female skeletons with fancy beads and conclude that this society, too, was male dominant (because women have to dress up as sex objects and trophy wives!). Male dominance is all they can imagine. And so no matter what they dig up, they interpret it to fit their mental model."

Read the whole article here and enjoy. 

Oldest depiction of female form shows that modern archaeologists are pornsick misogynists.

All Hail Mom!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Stonekettle Station & Negotiating with Hostages

Hello All. A friend sent me a wonderful blog that has gone viral: Stonekettle Station: Negotiating With Terrorists. It is very good and said a lot of things I was thinking, so of course I have linked to it below.

Stonekettle Station: Negotiating With Terrorists

I found this essay wonderful for many reasons. I'll share two: 1.) Author calls people on their fear and hatred of Obama; and 2.) Gives voice to others when thoughtful and polite.

I'll give you an example of 1.).

"Oh, I get it. I understand that frightened people become more and more irrational, especially when they are allowed, encouraged, to feed incestuously on each other’s fear. And I get that they are afraid. I can see it in their faces, I can hear it in their voices. I get that they’re afraid of change. I get that they’re afraid of the future. I get that they’re afraid of the past. And I get that they’re afraid of the present. I get that they’re afraid of losing power and privilege and prestige. I get that they’re afraid of their capricious and childishly vengeful god. I get that they’re afraid of different races and different cultures and different accents and different religions and different sexual orientations and different viewpoints and different politics. I get it, they’ve screamed their small fears over and over and only a dead man could possibly miss it.

I get that they are so consumed with rage and so filled with naked hate and so programmed with their diseased ideology that it poisons their minds like a computer chip submerged in acid. 

I get that they are so utterly terrified of the world that they piss themselves in abject fear at the mere thought of going to the grocery store without a goddamned gun stuck in their pants like an extra oversized prick. 

More than anything, I get that they are afraid of Barack Obama, everything about him, every single thing about the president terrifies them. Obama stalks their feverish nightmares and he is the very symbol of their shameful impotence – so much so that they’ve written him into their precious bible, in a starring role as the devil, the destroyer of worlds. 

I get it. 

And I get that it’s an uncontrollable mindless tic, a raging xenophobia, a political PTSD, and they know that it’s wrong but they can’t seem to do anything about it. 

It’s just how their crippled minds work."

Yes. I for one often think that no matter what Obama does his detractors will scream in hysteria. *sigh* Reminds me how not to behave.

Now for 2.) When a brother Marine wrote to him politely expressing his POV, Stonekettle posted his reply. You can read it here: Negotiating With Terrorists: The Counterpoint.

I think I have found a new blog to follow.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014


This is one of my very favorite moments in my lifetime.

I remember the day the real picture happened. A Chinese man blocks military tanks on Changan Avenue, near Tiananmen Square in Beijing, June 5 1989. AP Photo / Jeff Widener.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I sometimes think it is easy for us to treat each other poorly because of this.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Stopped Porn

While erotica is filled with sensuality, compassion, and love.

Remember the difference folks.

Don't for a minute think porn and its violence is ok or acceptable.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sweet Ada Lovelace

Oh Ada you are so much fun! Ada Lovelace was raised by her mother to love numbers and logic. She helped create the beginnings of computer language. Heck she even has her own day: Ada Lovelace Day! Read more about her through the links below.

Who was Ada?
Ada Lovelace links

Friday, March 28, 2014

Defiintely Worth My While

'L. Condoms' Commercial Awesomely Defines 'A Good Man'.


Oh and they give a condom to a person in a developing country every time you buy one.

I think I'd better go shopping...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Vomit Much?

Well this is adorable: One-Percent Jokes and Plutocrats in Drag: What I Saw When I Crashed a Wall Street Secret Society.

Oh and adorable is used sarcastically.

I mean really. I doubt any of us would be happy if our children were behaving like this.

Ok, I'll admit it: I would disown my child for such behavior.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Yeah, I don't think so. 

I guess some people want to act like kings and feudals lords from the Middle Ages.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dream Big

This makes me smile. Huzzah to the power of learning, the library, and Star Trek.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Introducing A Badass

I've always liked the site Badass of the Week. One of my favorite things about it is that it features women as well as men and have representatives from all colors, eras, and continents. Well done! I get a kick out of it.

So I thought I would share with you a specific Badass and that is Ella Hattan, aka La Jaguarina.

Too much fun.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Just Say No To Woody Allen (& hope you can run)

I haven't seen a Woody Allen movie since he decided to shack-up with his girlfriend's teenage daughter. Just disgusting.

So if you are feeling that the women are just wronging this guy, well check out this article filled with facts: 10 Undeniable Facts About the Woody Allen Sexual-Abuse Allegation.

Oh and if you think this isn't so bad, please don't have or be around children.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Made In A Free World - Keep On Rockin'

Yes, I am continuing the end human trafficking theme. This Website Made In a Free World is dedicated to ending human trafficking. The founder, Justin Dillon, calls himself an abolitionist. A good term indeed.

Here is what they say:

about us

Made In A Free World believes that changing the world takes everyone. We are a network of individuals, groups, and businesses working together to disrupt slavery and make freedom go viral. We produce innovative campaigns, on the ground projects, consumer engagement tools, and business solutions designed to get slavery out of our system. 

Our dream is simple.

One day everyone and everything will be Made In A Free World.

Looks like a good dream to me.

And now I could not end this post without Neil Young singing "Keep On Rockin' In The Free World."

Sunday, March 16, 2014

You Have Slaves?

In continuation with the human trafficking post of yesterday, I will now give the Slavery Footprint Website. I did the test and I am very bothered to say that 51 slaves work for me. Yeah, no. Slaves are exploited.

Not a happy camper here.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Anyone Can Help Stop Human Trafficking

This article 4 Ways Anyone Can Fight Human Trafficking gives everyone a good way to start in stopping this disgusting behavior.

Part of stopping human trafficking is awareness and education. I have done a bit here today.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Pro-Choice: A Peaceful Death

This powerful article, A Peaceful Death, shares the sad story of a couple faced with ending the life of their in the womb son.

No matter how you feel about the abortion issues, it is obviously a tough decision for those involved. No one goes about this lightly. It is not frivolous. Often, it is life-saving.

In short, if you don't like abortions, don't have one.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

No Harm - No Sh*t

A good thing to remember about balance in life. Don't tread on me also means I won't tread on you. :)  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Sexy Lie

The Sexy Lie is a powerful presentation by   on the sexualization of women and sales. View the video below and read a full article about the presentation here: The Sexy Lie.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Politically Polite

I like saying Politically Polite when people get snarky about "political correctness." I get really tired of that nonsense.

Here is an interesting article which is where the lovely above graphic comes from - The Power of Words - Making Sense of Political Correctness by Raoul Wieland.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

War On Vaginas: The Retaliation

Yesterday I wrote about the war on vaginas and how women are being shamed into shaving their pubic hair. However I then found this post: Pubic hair is back ladies: The men don't care and the women can't be bothered.

Well amen!

And a special Huzzah to Gwyneth Paltrow and her "70s vibe." 

Monday, February 24, 2014

*Sigh* Still Love Ya' "Man Called Jayne"

Bother. I really like Alec Baldwin 'cause he is Jayne from Firefly! I'll always think of him as that and love him for it. Plus hey, if he can act within Joss Whedon's very liberal universe I kinda gotta give him credit since he seems very right wing. Same for Nick Searcy who is in Justified and that has always struck me as quite a liberal show. Probably why I really, really like it. 

Of course yes, it is really sad that people must be so hateful about a personal issue - like gay marriage. If you are not gay you do not have to be in a gay relationship or have a gay marriage. Nor do you have to live with people trying to convert you (i.e., rewrite your genetic structure) or tell you your marriage is hurting someone else's marriage. 

So if you don't understand the whole business about gay marriage that's ok. You are probably hard wired to be heterosexual and congrats, the world is your oyster. But you don't have to get in the way of another's happiness. 

Get married, be happy, be well to all people of all sexual orientations everywhere. Sorry you can't see that Alec and Nick. I hope one day you can.m Peacock

Well Said

I must agree.

War On Vaginas

Ya' gotta love it when the war on women gets so personal. Vaginas may be weird and hairy, but they certainly don't need steaming is such a perfect example. The nonsense in this article is designed to make women feel terrible about their own bodies, specifically the female organ known as the vagina. After all if a woman's vagina or entire body for that matter isn't pleasurable for some man, then what is the worth? Ah yes, more bullshit to make women think they are bodies and not people.

Let me be clear: If a man won't sleep with a woman because she has pubic hair he needs therapy and is  more than likely a very bad lover. Take note ladies, take note.

This angers me so much I can't even begin to discuss it.

Friday, February 21, 2014

We Love You Pussy Riot

Found this today on Aisha Tyler's Facebook page:

Dear Pussy Riot: Thanks for forcing so many American broadcast journalists to have to say "pussy" on the news. It's like Christmas in February over here. Oh, also, freedom n' stuff.

Oh I so agree. :) Plus this is saying pussy in a positive and rebellious way.


Mad As Heck

Well let's check out some anger: These guys are mad.

Really? Stop whining like a bunch of priviledged white men.

Wait. Let me rephrase to better represent the situation. Stop whining like a bunch of abusive rapists and act like humans.


Well, We All Have Soft Spots for Someone

Ted Cruz Stands Up For Hateful Racist Ted Nugent During CNN Interview.

I guess Cruz likes cowards: Cowardly Ted Nugent Cancels CNN Interview After Getting Called Out By Wolf Blitzer.

It's nice that the Left doesn't call Cruz out on being Cuban. (That would be racist, so they don't.) Also nice that they don't ask for a blood test 'cause Nugent, dude, you act like you are on lots of chemicals all the time. 

But come on gentlemen, please remember:


Allies? For Real?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Just Say NO! to Thigh Gap

No Sympathy for the Devil

And Now for A Brief Nod to Our Planet

Oh the water is fine. NOT! Bed of Dan River is Poisoned.

Another source confirms: Officials Confirm: Arsenic Could Have Been Flowing Into River Before North Carolina Coal Ash Leak.

Oh Duke, you are so clever and completely unattractive: Duke Energy's inside connections to the McCrory administration.

I guess you be sweatin' now McCrory: Subpoenas raise stakes in N.C. criminal probe.

But there has been some good news: Nebraska judge calls law that let governor approve Keystone XL pipeline route unconstitutional.

Happy Birthday Ansel Adams.

Oh Good Grief

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014


An interesting story about justice: Woman Gibes Abuser An Ultimatum.

Personally, I think he should be grateful that is all he got.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy Warrior Wins Again

Thank you Happy Warrior for putting Mr. Smarmy in his place.

I get so tired of such nonsense.

Who Cares?

"As an Australian I am fascinated by those idiots protesting ObamaCare. Well I guess those people would dismiss my country as socialist, I think it's more like a caring humanity. I'm no spring chicken, paid taxes all my adult life and never been to hospital. Those taxes pay for our free health system, among other things.

So for years I was paying but rarely using. But recently I developed a serious condition. Without question I was admitted to hospital, subjected to a barrage of tests on expensive machines, given quality care for a week and tended by top doctors.

Out of pocket cost? About $7 for a prescription on discharge.

My taxes have been doing that for people now for over forty years. Not only have I never complained, I now have real reason to be thankful. Any modern economy rejecting universal healthcare is not only insane, it's anti humanity. The system focus must be about people and not greed for money. Australia has a healthy economy by any standards, despite its caring ways."

- Angus FB - From Americans Against The Republican Party on Facebook

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Move to Iceland

I'm seriously considering moving to Iceland. :

In Iceland, elves aren't just Santa's little helpers

In Support of The Day We Fight Back

I am not pleased that my president, Barack Obama, would support surveillance and spying on the American people. I feel this is leftover hysteria from the W. Bush administration in idiotic reaction to 9/11.

We won't be America or Americans, if we give up our liberties for security.

So let's fight back and embrace the unknown. Therein lies freedom and therein lies safety.

For more information explaining Ben's picture above check out The Day We Fight Back. The "father" of the Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, wants the Web to always be free and present transparent data.

Get over it autocrats. Liberty is here to stay.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Olympic Flashback: Racism Again

I remember watching the Olympics when the fantastic Surya Bonaly competed. What?!?! A black woman ice skating?!?!? Oh blow the mind of the world!! (Oh grow-up.)

She was fantastic! Athletic, beautiful, graceful, she had it all. However the racism of the world, and judges, couldn't deal with her. So she did what any gutsy champion would do: She pulled out all of the stops and did an unprecedented back flip onto one leg.

Let me state that again: Onto one leg!

See for yourself:

And wouldn't ya' know it? She was not given credit for the move when her score was tallying.

Oh give me a break.

So as the Olympics play on now - and I am an unashamed patriot even more so at this time - and the homophobia of Russia fills our eyes with hateful glare, I would like to take a moment to honor a rebel: Surya Bonaly. Read all about her here: Surya Bonaly is the biggest bad ass in Winter Olympics History

Rich Kids Should Work

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Fifth Olympic Ring

Yes I am watching the Olympics. Yes I utterly despise the disgusting behavior of the Russia Federation in how they are treating 1/10th of their population. And yes I do indeed think this below graphic is good.

Rainbows are good. :)

Loved Not Used