
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Some Thoughts on the Winter Russian Olympics

Here are some very interesting videos and thoughts about Russian homophobic laws and the Olympics.

First from Keith Olbermann:
'Sochi Olympics boycott won't help Russian gays, but should be used for publicity.

My personal opinion. Well I guess I side with the athletes. I remember in the 70s when American boycotted the Russian Olympics. I think the people hurt the most by that were the athletes. These men and women train for hours a day for years of their lives and not being allowed to compete is a cruelty to them. 

So yes I think we should go.

Now am I disgusted by Russian homophobic laws? Oh Hells YES!!!! Do I fear for my brother and sister Americans who may go there? Yes. Am I surprised by the power of the American dollar? Yes. And it also pleases me. 

Perhaps we can finally really as America, put our money where our mouths are and change the world through economic development. It's an idea whose time has come.

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