
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another Way to Control Women

Oh look everyone! Yet another way to control women and, more importantly, their reproductive choices!! Let's terrify women with the threat that if they don't have babies in their 20s and 30s they are more likely to not have children and/or have deformed ones! Shame on you for wanting it all!

Oh !@#$%^&*

I always thought that hysteria was a bit much and never paid attention to the whole "biological clock" bs. I also admit that I don't want children. However if I did I would certainly adopt if I couldn't give birth.

Needless to say I was thrilled when I saw this article: The 300-year-old fertility statistics still in use today by Hannah Barnes.

Yes that's right! All the hysteria you have had shoved down your throat is 300 years old!! Which of course means it has no relevance for you today!!!!

So take a moment, or even a few, to enjoy Ms. Barnes fabulous TRUTHUL UP TO DATE article on fertility and age and chill out.


P.S. I wonder if similar studies for men have been done. No one seems to vociferously tell men that their sperm is getting old and nasty and they had better have kids when young. Ah the priviledges of being male.

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