
Monday, September 23, 2013

Why Are American Health Care Costs So High? - An Informative Video

I have heard the Purple American Economist* say similar things stated in the lovely video below. John Green has excellent YouTube channels and I will list them below so you can enjoy them.

For now, here is Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

Check out more of John Green at:

*Who will hopefully make an appearance on this blog soon.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another Way to Control Women

Oh look everyone! Yet another way to control women and, more importantly, their reproductive choices!! Let's terrify women with the threat that if they don't have babies in their 20s and 30s they are more likely to not have children and/or have deformed ones! Shame on you for wanting it all!

Oh !@#$%^&*

I always thought that hysteria was a bit much and never paid attention to the whole "biological clock" bs. I also admit that I don't want children. However if I did I would certainly adopt if I couldn't give birth.

Needless to say I was thrilled when I saw this article: The 300-year-old fertility statistics still in use today by Hannah Barnes.

Yes that's right! All the hysteria you have had shoved down your throat is 300 years old!! Which of course means it has no relevance for you today!!!!

So take a moment, or even a few, to enjoy Ms. Barnes fabulous TRUTHUL UP TO DATE article on fertility and age and chill out.


P.S. I wonder if similar studies for men have been done. No one seems to vociferously tell men that their sperm is getting old and nasty and they had better have kids when young. Ah the priviledges of being male.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Another Voice: Jennifer Sky

Jennifer Sky was a model - and actress on one of my favorite TV shows "Xena: Warrior Princess." God/Dess I LOVE that show. She has a unique voice for her experiences on being a teen model and actress. She is also a wonderful writer.

Check out her word at

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Some Thoughts on the Winter Russian Olympics

Here are some very interesting videos and thoughts about Russian homophobic laws and the Olympics.

First from Keith Olbermann:
'Sochi Olympics boycott won't help Russian gays, but should be used for publicity.

My personal opinion. Well I guess I side with the athletes. I remember in the 70s when American boycotted the Russian Olympics. I think the people hurt the most by that were the athletes. These men and women train for hours a day for years of their lives and not being allowed to compete is a cruelty to them. 

So yes I think we should go.

Now am I disgusted by Russian homophobic laws? Oh Hells YES!!!! Do I fear for my brother and sister Americans who may go there? Yes. Am I surprised by the power of the American dollar? Yes. And it also pleases me. 

Perhaps we can finally really as America, put our money where our mouths are and change the world through economic development. It's an idea whose time has come.

Uplifting Links: Man Booz & David Futrelle PLUS Grail Diary

I have been following David Futrelle for a little over a year now. He is quite fantastic and I first discovered him at his fabulous blog: Man Boobz. "Misogyny. I Mock It." What a great tag line. Check it out

David also writes about money issues. You can find him here: DimFlash.

So enjoy David's fearless writing - and mocking of all things misogyny. It certainly lifts my moods!

I also really enjoy Grail Diary. Similar to Man Boobz. Disses misogyny and all things intolerant. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!