
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Disney Broundbreaking?

Yes, there have been a few times when a Disney heroine has said something I have wanted a woman to say in a movie for years. Yes I did want to bow down and scream "YES! Thank you!" in the movie theater. I didn't. I waited until I watched it at home. Below are listed some of my "The Big YES!" moments in Disney movies.
  1. "I am not a prize to be won." Oh Princess Jasmine of "Aladdin" fame. I love you. You stopped all of those men in their tracks as they argued your future and told them point blank you were a person. I couldn't believe it when you said it. I didn't think such an amazing and truthful statement could come from a Disney heroine. I am so glad I was wrong.
  2. "I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle it." Meg. Short for Megara. Short for "Hallelujah!" It was nice to see a "damsel in distress" note that she could take care of herself. And I do believe that she could. I also liked that this "femme fatale" character didn't have just one note - femme fatale. She got to have several motivations and actions and I just liked her. Plus it was so good to have a Disney heroine with a deep voice. 
  3. "And for once it might be grand / to have someone understand / I want so much more then they've got planned." Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" you were the first Disney heroine I LOVED!! I still love you. You were a book reading, dreamy young woman, who had your own life plans. You didn't want a man to tell you what your dream should be. In fact, you wanted a man who knew you had more in mind than just them. :) Plus really liking someone 'cause they gave you a library? Oh you delightful Geek you!
Now Disney didn't make this video, but Disney music and characters are very enjoyable in it. :)

Sing it sisters.

Granted Disney princesses may not be perfect and the whole societal princess craze would drive anyone mad. But let us point ourselves towards the good parts about these princesses. Celebrate their character and not just their status or looks. Might be good. I know I am smiling.

Plus I knew a little girl who when playing with her Barbies had them drive to the corporations they owned and take power lunches. They might have been married.


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