
Monday, July 29, 2013

President Obama Shares

Well alas, I'm sure I agree with him. *sigh* And yes I know he is far from perfect, but he ain't no "country destroying conservative" either.

Obama Speaks Bluntly and Honestly About How Republicans Have Damaged America 

His presidency will still be remembered as will he without hatred. However the "conservatives" who have so viciously gone after him will be remembered with disgust.

Oh grow-up people! And quit being so damn selfish too!

Today Is A Moral Monday

There is a new movement growing in the South. Liberals are joining together to share in their love of God and Democracy - and letting all others do the same.

I heartily approve. :) Blessings and Amen to you all.

Keep Calm

 I like very much. :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Stop Banning Stuff!

I am NOT a Libertarian but I do like this comic very much. It seems both political parties would rather ban things right now.

Oh Bernie, I Agree

I think Bernie Sanders, along with Elizabeth Warren, should be cloned and take over the federal government. For a just a bit. Like say, four decades.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

On Economics

Economics is a SOCIAL SCIENCE!! It shows how we humans interact and behave. If we choose to be destructive, well, shame on us.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Just Thinking Something Similar

Just this week I was thinking that the country would have been much better off had Mondale beaten Reagan and the country would have prospered had Gore beaten W. I feel a great joy would have settled upon the land - maybe even the world.

And then I find this:

The Conservative March Toward a Society of Sociopaths

Suddenly it all becomes clear and I better understand why I feel the way I do.

Friday, July 19, 2013

I Want My Star Trek Future

Hello All.

I have been deeply saddened recently by the "conservative" hatred that is spreading in the country. I am saddened by women losing control over their bodies in Texas, and I am utterly disgusted by the class war in this country. I am amazed that the working class think the "conservatives" have their best interest at heart when it comes to the economy. I am also saddened that "liberals" are having less and less respect for the Bill of Rights.

But I don't like being depressed.

So I am reminding myself, and maybe others, that:

I Want My Star Trek Future.

I want a future where no one goes hungry, we do not pollute our world, we embrace diversity and that includes other species, and we are expected to be polite to each other no matter what.

Yes I want MY Star Trek Future to include that everyone can carry a firearm of choice too. :) But I digress.

So if you want this future here are a few things to do:

  1. Vote. Just DO IT!! 
  2. Split Your Vote. Don't like one political party all the way, fine. Split your vote.  I do this a lot. If you vote for a person who believed in economic justice for one office then go ahead and vote for someone who will protect your gun rights in another office. 
  3. Know that you do make a difference. I've written/emailed my reps a lot. It does matter. I matter. So do you. Just do it. 
  4. Register people to vote.
  5. Make sure people get to the polls to vote!!
  6. Believe this future can happen.
  7. And if you are of such a mind, pray

As Hillary Clinton once said "Keep going." If you think things are bad now, remember that slavery is dead, women can vote, and we have and always will have each other.


Now go repost/read/copy do whatever you need to keep going.

Much love and good will.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oh Good Grief

Oh Good Grief! It is getting worse.

I think it is time for us to take back our country. Or perhaps finally, have a proper slice of it.

For Trayvon - and My Nephews

Dearest Trayvon,

I do not know you personally, but I do see your face often. No not on the news, in my family. You remind me of my grown nephew and I'm sure my four non-teenage nephews will look like you in 10-15 years. I love them very much. I want them to be happy, healthy, and have opportunities for a good life. I do not want them to ever have to face what you did.

Young man, I am sorry there was no one there to protect or defend you. I am sorry you have received justice through the U.S. courts. I am sorry you will not share the rest of your life with your family on the physical plane. I am so sorry for your family to have lost you.

And I NEVER want what happened to you to happen to anyone else ever again.

I have the uncontrollable urge to body guard my nephews for the rest of their life. I doubt they would find that fun when going on a date.

See I want them to feel safe. And the only way that will happen is for the BS racism in this country and world to die.

Now that's a funeral I am looking forward to.

Bless you, dear.


For Marissa

Marissa Alexander was wronged. She should not go to jail. Here is a blog supporting her Stand Your Ground Marissa.

Laws in this country should PROTECT and SERVE the all people of this country. Not just be fun loopholes for white men to sneak through.

Sums It Up - And I Wish It Was Nice

This is how I feel, besides disgust. Thanks also for mentioning the WOMAN who didn't get to Stand her Ground. I guess some laws are for white men only.