
Monday, April 26, 2010

Thank you Tim Wise

Thank you Tim Wise. Thank you for putting down in words and publishing to the world exactly what I think about the whole Tea Party thing. Thank you for illuminating the violence and bigotry of the Tea Party. Thank you. And yes I totally agree with you.

Look, I'm not the best person for having rational civil discussions about politics. Yes, I get very emotional. Often I keep my mouth shut, or leave the conversation and then rant online. (I love you Internet!) However this whole Tea Party, and the subsequent awesome Coffee Party ( make me want to be more rational and less hateful.

So perhaps in the future we can agree to take 5-10 minutes to rant and rave and scream and spew forth obnoxiousness and then apologize to each other and then get down to the business of living together and working together in a multi-cultural diverse nation. And world.

Let's try it, ok?

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