
Saturday, November 18, 2017

PHD Comics: Tax Plan

PHD Comics has an EXCELLENT chart and link to script on the Trump/GOP Gut America and Let IT Bleed* Tax Plan. Find it here: And thanks PHD Comics!

*My words

Lest We Forget: Roy More Talks to Parents

Lest we forget: Down South, at one time, the date you could get married and the date you could consent for sex were different with or without parent approval. In other words, if you wanted to have sex/get married at 14, don't ask mom and dad and you can! If you did, and they said yes, you could be 12. No wonder Mr. Moore always talked to the parents. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Why Are We Fussing?

Why the fuss over providing health care to the American people? Where is your compassion and empathy? If you have none, well, shame on you. I don't know how true the picture is below, but I do know friends who have health care because of Obama care and they are running scared.


Oh no, I LOVE Girl Scout cookies!!! I buy lots because long live young women making good for themselves. And uh-oh hysteria screamers they don't have a relationship with Planned Parenthood.
But maybe they should.....

Long Live the Protesting Neighbors!

Bern Baby Bern

Hey DNC: Let him WIN! You will win too. More importantly the American people will win!
Bernie Sanders Is Shifting The Democratic Establishment  Can we make him a saint?  #HeWouldHaveWon

Timeline of Intelligence

Ok, here's what I want to know: What is the timeline on this information? I mean if people have "game-changing" and "groundbreaking" information on candidates, why is it delayed? Or maybe it isn't delayed. But I want to know WHEN things were found and WHY it wasn't released immediately. And wait, he was paid but the information wasn't used? Am I understanding that right? WTF?!

Anyone else think presidential elections are just rigged in general? Grrr.....

Oh Big Pharma

I must admit I did not see this coming. I don't know how long Trump will fight; Bernie is in for the long haul. . #HeWouldHaveWon

Get In Line?

So wow. Non-Progressive Democrats - and there seem to be many - are discovering that perhaps they should "get in line." Democrats Found Out This Week Bernie Supporters Are Not Going Away. No, we are not. You, DNC, are the ones who need to change. Now. For the sake of our country. #HeWouldaWon

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Alternate Universe

Carrie Fisher is our President and Trump is in his tower. She beat him by a major landslide with her VP Bernie Sanders. She gave her famous sign at her acceptance speech.
I so wish. #betterfuturealready

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Saturday, January 7, 2017

I Love Berners

Bernie Sanders is my hero because he not only speaks his truth and caring for others but he has inspired so many to be awake and act. Like this event: Bernie Sanders Supporters Launch Glass-Steagall Drive

Clever Names Won't Make It Right

Found this interesting article about the First Amendment Defense Act. Basically this bill has a lovely title cause who doesn't want to defend the First Amendment! But oh wait! Reality has set in and fundamentalists just want to find clever ways to be nasty to everyone who is cisgender and married. *raspberry*

I’m Concerned about the First Amendment Defense Act by Jeana Jorgensen

Picture This: Forward the Revolution

This makes me crazy happy.

Remember Obamacare?

Ah yes, the Economical Redneck has just pointed out to me a great truth about Obamacare: It showed us why aspirin costs $4 a pill.

See if hospitals provide healthcare to people who can't afford it, they have to make-up that money somehow. So they charge those of us who have insurance/can afford it.

Oh insurance companies, you are so nasty. 

The True John Stewart Replacement

Look, I like Trevor Noah - even more so after hearing about his childhood in South Africa. However, the true heir to the John Stewart throne belongs to Chelsea Handler. Her biting snark that she used against celebrities is PERFECT against real issues like elections and idiot soon to be presidents. THIS is what Chelsea was made to do. I like to think she has finally come into her own.*

So let me share some Chelsea with you and Enjoy!

Trump Needs A Dog (on Facebook)

And this: Interview with Ann Coulter

Your welcome. :)

*Enjoy the pun, Chelsea. ;)