
Friday, September 2, 2016

Great America = Strong Labor

Couldn't agree with this picture more.

Say His Name: Rapist

I found this picture on the Web and felt I had to share. It is ever so appropriate and well RIGHT.

Ya' know what else is annoying? He probably wouldn't have been convicted if those two men hadn't caught him and testified against him. Bless those two! and to HELL with Brock. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Feel the Bird

This. I need this to be everywhere. The Redneck Economist says it won't heal the nation, but I don't care.  #FeeltheBird


Hello All! Ok, eventually I will stop ranting about the DNC/DCCC crying that they don't have enough money or support.

Or maybe I won't.

As I've stated before, both here and in emails, if the DNC/DCCC had not committed primary fraud and/or treated Bernie Sanders like a pariah, then they would not be in this mess.

Remember this DNC/DCCC: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This includes human actions.

If you deny a candidate their right to their votes and then make fun of their supporters, well THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!!

You brought this on yourself LIVE WITH IT! You are made of the 1% so FUND YOUR OWN DAMN CAMPAIGNS!

Or hey, here's a thought: Go back in time, don't commit fraud, give the nomination to Bernie, beg him to let Hillary be the VP and YOU WOULD WIN BY A LANDSLIDE!

In short, eff off. You betrayed me and your voter base. It was said millennia ago " ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Oh and karma is my favorite bitch.