
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Thank You DNC

I have been watching a few highlights, thoughts, comments, and clips online today about Bernie Sanders and the Democratic National Convention (DNC). As I watched the many speakers I thought to myself "What would I say in my DNC speech?"

I realized though that I would have two speeches - maybe even three - because I'm sure the only way you got to give a speech is tow the party line - looking at you Sarah Silverman. So that means I would have to be "politic." I often do this when writing to elected officials. I will take my fury and temper it. So here are my speeches below.

Politic Speech

"Hello everyone. I am so very honored and touched to be here tonight. I am a patriot and I love my country. As I look out over this crowd I see many who probably feel as I do. We love our country and knowing that Bernie Sanders will not be our next president breaks our hearts.

But Berners know this: We are not alone. We have each other. The spark that Bernie started in has spread with passion across our country. Let us join together and campaign and vote and run for office for the common good. Let us see each other as allies. Let us always remember that we are not alone. We have each other. And we have our beloved country.

Bernie has always talked about issues. So let us continue to talk about issues. Let us, voice, and write, and vote our truths. Let us remember Bernie's compassion and practice compassion for others - and ourselves. Let us give ourselves time to mourn. Then we organize and move on.

Hillary Clinton gave a wonderful speech in 2008. Barack Obama had been chosen to be the candidate over her. She came out on stage and said "keep moving forward." Eight years later, I would like to use that quote for us, for all of us now: "Keep going."

So I look at you all and I say "keep going." Keep discussing and uplifting our progressive issues. Keep Bernie in your hearts. Keep your brothers and yours sisters within reach. This is our country and we will continue to increase its greatness.

For America."

But what I would really like to say is this:

NOT Politic

"Wow. I didn't know we lived in feudal Europe. I thought that's why we fought the Revolution. So WE THE PEOPLE could decide our next president. Thanks a lot for educating me, DNC. Thanks for proving to the world that you are just as corrupt as Republicans. Wow! I mean their machine didn't want Trump, didn't go to the convention, didn't show party unity, and yet the outsider got the nomination! Cool! Who'd a thunk they would have been more democratic in their nominating process than YOU.

I guess money really does change everything.

Look, DNC, it has been proven that you rigged this election. You made sure Hillary Clinton would get the nomination at all costs. Never mind that Bernie, who had no national spotlight on him for decades, began to draw crowds of thousands and fill stadiums. Ignore the fact that he got money sent to him in droves by loyal supporters who felt they were finally being represented. Dismiss all of the claims that state Trump will beat Hillary, but Bernie would win and win big. All you care about is Hillary getting her day. 

Hey, you know what? I love Hillary too. I have loved her and supported her for years. Bernie Sanders has my vote because he actually talks about and cares about the future of the American people, who, BTW, are America. Remember how you talk about America? The sovereignty of this nation lies within its people - not Wall Street.

I know, DNC, I know, you made sure Barack Obama would get the nomination in 2008. Even though Hillary should have by all rights gotten it. She had more delegates and way more experience. I would not be surprised to read or hear that she was pulled into a meeting and told to back off and let Barack win. If she did that, she would be given her turn by the DNC in 2016 to be the nominee. 

You should have been the nominee in 2008, Hillary. You had more to offer and more political clout than a junior senator from Illinois. But the party decided against you and what did you do? You came out on stage in 2008 and supported Barack Obama. You gave a rousing, powerful speech. You classy woman you. You were amazing. And I cried for you because you had been robbed. 

But just because you were robbed does not mean you should rob others.

I'm sorry you feel no one wants you, Hillary. Yes a lot of it is sexist bullsh*t and loathing contempt created by the Republicans for you and your Clinton name has made your walk to the White House difficult. Damn near impossible. However, you did not change with the times. Hillary, if you talked and VOTED like Bernie I would so enthusiastically be supporting you. Being told Trump is evil is not a good campaign slogan. 
Yes I want a woman president. However I am eyeing Nina Turner or Tulsi Gabbard. After all, when I take sexism out of the equation and look at all issues, they are the ones I want. 

As for speeches given by robbed candidates, that three minutes of cheering and applause for Bernie told us everything. Do you get it? He didn't have to speak to get support.

I would also like to remind you, DNC and Hillary, that your obvious contempt for Berners does you no good. You won't let us bring our signs into the convention - WTF? You constantly state we are hostile (gee I wonder why), and you insult us hoping that this strategy will move us into "towing the party line." Looking at you, Sarah Silverman and Al Franken. I don't know who told you that calling someone "ridiculous" was a good strategy to get them to agree with you, but they lied. Let me drop some wisdom on you: That doesn't work. When you call people "ridiculous" - especially after they have been so poorly treated - you do nothing to bring them to your side. Take note DNC. Don't treat anyone, especially adults who have spent thousands of dollar and travelled thousands of miles to be heart, in a dismissive fashion. DNC, you will do yourself worlds of good if you offer and olive branch to the Berners, honor their justified feelings. (Remember the apology you released?)  Honor the Bernie camp, ask what you can do now to meet with us and represent us. In short, act like gracious adults. (See above speech.) 

You know how you could have avoided all of this party shattering, DNC and Hillary? Made Bernie the VP. I don't know about other Berners, but I would be so happy right now and would promote Clinton/Sanders like nobody's business. You would have had, as Michael Moore points out, enthusiastic voters. But you let your ego get in the way. You blew it. You didn't listen to the people. Good on you.

Oh no. Donald  just said the DNC primaries were rigged and Bernie was cheated. STOP DOING THINGS THAT MAKE ME AGREE WITH DONALD!

If Donald Trump wins, it will be YOUR FAULT, DNC AND HILLARY. You had a chance to win and win big. You blew it. This Berner will not be your scapegoat.

Oh and if you need money, ask the Clinton Foundation.

(Drops the mic)"

Super not appropriate for prime time speech that would be playing in my mind. 


Make f*ck and damn every other word.