
Friday, August 14, 2015

Re-Post: Justin Trudeau Would Get My Vote

Hmmmm..... found the below post and it hadn't been published yet. It may be late but it is good. -PAP

Well go Justin Trudeau! HuffPost wrote about him in this article: Justin Trudeau's Abortion Tweet About Women Is Pretty Refreshing which is reposted below. I totally agree. 

At a time when it can feel like women's rights are being determined by people who aren't, frankly, affected by them, one Canadian politician is taking a hard line stance — 100 per cent in favour of a woman's choice.

Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau has been under fire as of late for requiring Liberal candidates to clarify their views on abortion, and agree to vote pro-choice on any bills that may come to them on the issue.

A letter from seven former members of Parliament — all of them men — was released this week, calling Trudeau's stance "undemocratic" and asking him to rescind it.
This is what Trudeau tweeted in response:

Trudeau has been unequivocal in his support of women in his campaign.

"I don't know that there is anyone in this country that is in favour of abortions," he said in June. "But what I am very much in favour of is a woman's right to make that determination on her own, in consultation with the medical community, in consultation with whomever she chooses to consult.

A woman should have the option to her right to choose. Sounds pretty straightforward to us.

Pry it from our cold, dead hands

A few days ago the lovely Margaret and Helen posted their wonderful feelings about the GOP and their "no vaginas" on stage during the first debate. As they perfectly pointed out, what are a bunch of men doing talking about women's health. My favorite paragraph with my favorite line is posted below.
"And in 100 years, millions of women have trusted and supported Planned Parenthood much the same way Republicans blindly trust and support the NRA.  So to the Republican Presidential Candidates I say in the only words they seem to understand: You can close Planned Parenthood when you pry it from our cold, dead hands. I mean it.  Really." - Helen from Margaret and Helen
Now do yourself a favor and read the whole post here: On a stage with no vaginas, there were a lot of opinions about vaginas.

Oh Margaret and Helen, I salute you! And fret not ladies, I'm a well armed American and will happily defend Planned Parenthood to the end.