
Monday, December 30, 2013

Pope Francis I Is An Economist

I love Pope Francis I. :) I think he understands economics and injustice better than most. (Yes, I'm looking at you, GOP.)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mind/Body Disagreement

This is oh so true and needs to be brought up in our media and stories. You can be attracted to how someone looks and despise them because they are rotten people.

I'm really tired of heroines who say that they will never sleep with the hero and then fall for them. What BS. THIS is how adults really operate.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Single Payer


Marilyn Monroe On A Mighty Girl

Way to go Marilyn. :)

Wonderful story on the unlikely sisterhood of actress Marilyn Monroe & jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald! Blogger Patricia Grannum writes, "Apparently in the 50s, a popular nightclub, Mocambo would not book Ella Fitzgerald because she was black. Fortunately for Ella, she had a powerful and unlikely benefactor:

“I owe Marilyn Monroe a real debt… it was because of her that I played the Mocambo, a very popular nightclub in the ’50s. She personally called the owner of the Mocambo, and told him she wanted me booked immediately, and if he would do it, she would take a front table every night. She told him - and it was true, due to Marilyn’s superstar status -- that the press would go wild. The owner said yes, and Marilyn was there, front table, every night. The press went overboard. After that, I never had to play a small jazz club again. She was an unusual woman - a little ahead of her times. And she didn’t know it.” - Ella Fitzgerald

For many Mighty Girl stories that explore racial discrimination and prejudice, visit

There are two wonderful picture book biographies about Fitzgerald's incredible life story: "Skit-Scat Raggedy Cat," a lively, playful picture book for children ages 5 to 9 ( and "Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale of a Vocal Virtuosa" -- beautifully illustrated picture book for children ages 5 to 9 (

She is also included in “Sophisticated Ladies: The Great Women of Jazz,” a compilation of biographies written for ages 11 and up (

For more stories of girl and women in the arts, visit our “Creative Arts” section at

Thanks to Women of Colour page for sharing this story:

Friday, December 27, 2013

Minimum Wage UP!

I say we make the minimum wage higher than $11 per hour. I like Australia's minimum wage.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

"This little Cuban tree frog made a meal out of a Christmas light in southern Florida. Photographer James Snyder found this little guy in his back yard and initially thought he was dead. After taking a couple photos, Snyder was able to safely pull the light out of the frog, though he reports that the frog didn’t seem happy about it." - From "I F*cking Love Science" on Facebook.

I want to write a new Christmas carol in honor of this frog. 

"Oh Christmas Frog
Oh Christmas Frog!
You are so cute
Oh Christmas Frog!"

Ok, so it's not art, but it's mine. 

Merry Christmas everyone. :)

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all families everywhere. 

Peace on Earth - Good Will to All.

Picture from Have A Gay Day.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Women On Film

This needs to change. It also tells you why women get excited about good roles.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Electronically Organized

I do so love what Mr. Agnew says. I think the younger generations rally with their electronic media and frankly I think they get more done. :)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Stand Your Ground ONLY If White & Male

I am firm believer in standing your ground/defending your territory/loved one/stranger, etc. But this is utter total and complete bullsh*t.

Zimmerman is a murderer. Alexander was defending herself.

So if you think race and gender don't help you with the law, look at this and think again. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

GOP & Country

No. I think the rich/GOP have no problem destroying the country financially because they have no country. The rich only have loyalty to their money - nothing else.


And that's why I'm a liberal.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence Revolution

The personal is political and physical. Thank you Jennifer Lawrence for helping a new generation of women - and others and older - feel good.

"I personally have a cunt... Cunt is a proper, old, historic, strong word. I like that my fire escape also doubles up as the most potent swearword in the English language... I like how shocked people are when you say 'cunt'. It's like I have a nuclear bomb in my pants, or a tiger, or a gun... I love that 'cunt' stands, on its own, as the supreme unvanquishable word." — Caitlin Moran (How to Be a Woman)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

My Perfect Picture


Catching Fire

I like how Catching Fire and The Hunger Games in general are moving into our popular culture. That is a truly a series of books and films where class warfare is really warfare.

I will definitely support works any way that I can. Go to Low Pay is Not OK for more information.

And make the odds be in our favor.

Dear Mr./Ms. Libertarian

I so totally agree. Couldn't have said it better myself so I posted this instead. :)

Raise Min. Wage from Think Progress

Let's help everybody spend more so we all can live better. Good article from Think Progress. Link will open in new window.

Raising The Minimum Wage To $10.10 Would Boost Growth By $22 Billion