
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

Hello All!

I hope that you all have a wonderful, happy, blessed, joyous, safe, and freedom loving/living new year. :) 

May this be the best ever. 


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Weighing In: Reality Hurts

I find this article quite interesting: Reality Hurts

Yes reality does hurt. I wish it didn't. 

Raise Your Hand

I'm starting a movement. 

If you are a gun owner and you didn't shoot anyone today, or yesterday, or the day before that, or ever, then raise your hand. It looks like this on Twitter: #handraised.

If you are a gun owner and you had to shoot someone in self-defense, raise your hand. It should look like this on Twitter: #handraisedtodefend.

If you don't own guns, that's fine too. :) 

My hand is raised. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

From Facebook to Connecticut

Today I read on Facebook, of all places, one of the best posts about the tragedy in CT and gun control.

"Gun control laws always become the center of the debate when tragic events such as the Sandy Hook school shooting happen, however, in my opinion. amount of gun restrictions can prevent a truly evil or disturbed person from commiting a crime. There needs to be national dialogue surrounding mental health and illnes...
s as well. Mental illness is real, depression is real, bipolar disorder is real. We have to stop shaming and ridiculing people who suffer from these very serious conditions, or else they may never seek the help they need.

It takes deep mental issues for someone to do something so heinous. ..guns or not." - Barack Loves Michelle.

Yes that is right, the post is from a Facebook page called Barack Loves Michelle. It's a great Facebook page and shows our First Couple as the loving equals that they are.

Also please note that when the NRA says they are very sorry for the victims of the CT tragedy today, they mean it. Yes they do. In all my years of being in the NRA I have never once met a member who thought such acts were a good thing. In fact, they usually respond with rage and wish they had been there to stop such act. Whether you want to hear that or not, that is the actual response of those gun lovers.
And this one as well. 
Yeah, I'm infuriated that people got hurt. Could you all be infuriated by that too. Does it matter what tool was being used to hurt them? Oh come on, just show some love and support to the grieving families and community. And please stop hating on those of us who do own firearms. Not helping our country any by dividing us. 

To those who have been hurt by this event, my heart and prayers go with you.