
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Abortion Thoughts - Pro-Choice One


Ok, it's a big issue. How could it not be? It is an act where a woman decides if a group of cells will potentially be born and become a person. 


So here are some thoughts about abortion and I will probably revisit this issue again.

My Mother = Pro-Choice

My mother became pro-choice as a nurse working her first job in the 1950s. There she worked on a special wing that served women who had given themselves, or paid for a backstreet abortion. Here is only some of what she saw:

  • A husband cradling his dying wife. He wept over her corpse repeating over and over again "I loved her. I loved her." Had this couple lived today, he would still have a wife.
  • A fourteen year-old girl asking through her tears if fathers who had sex with their daughters really did love them.
  • Countless other women who dying and/or trying to recover from blood loss and/or infection. 
Yes, yes, you could say that these people should have chosen life. And I could say several things to you but what I will say is: How the Hell can you be so callous?

In the above stories you are witnessing human suffering. Suffering because bearing a child would destroy the life. Or perhaps bearing a child would have killed them. Or perhaps they were fourteen year-old rape victims and their father was the father. So in the face of all of this human suffering and agony, do you not think that a life would indeed be saved by having the abortion. If that prospect terrifies you, then be terrified. 

Feel free to admit that you are frightened by women controlling their bodies and therefore their lives. Feel free to be terrified by the thought that others do not need to be chained to bearing a child.

Chained, you say?


Children are miracles and wonders and proof that God thinks we should keep going. They are proof that life will prevail. So yes, it is terrifying to think that this life could bring about devastation. But sometimes a new life brings pain. Sometimes a new brings a reminder of pain. And sometimes a new life needs to be allowed to be a new life at another time and place. 

So yes. There are times when an abortion is necessary. And by necessary to do not mean that you get to decide what is necessary for another person. You can only make that decision for you. 

So make it for you - and accept other people's choices as well.